Did You Mean Humor

// // September 04th 2011 // Humor + SEO

Last week I spent about two days in a WordPress PHP maze of death that, in exasperation, led me to type a cartoon-like expression of frustration into a Google search.

Google Did You Mean Result for Arrrugghghga

And I laughed. Because sure enough Google had four different versions for me to choose from. Four!

We know that Google has a sense of humor. Take the ‘did you mean’ result for recursion.

Google Did You Mean Result for Recursion

That’s right. The ‘did you mean’ result for recursion is … recursion. Clicking on recursion takes you right back to the same page. I’m amused. But don’t try to pay Google a compliment.

Google Did You Mean Result for Compliment

What ‘did you mean’ suggestions have made you laugh?


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Comments About Did You Mean Humor

// 1 comments so far.

  1. hyderali // September 04th 2011

    LOL…I think there is some kind of bug interfering. Somebody ping Google.

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